Sunday, February 6, 2011
Beautiful Exchange
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Some recommended films

Having just come back from another trip to Germany, where I saw Dachau concentration camp, Nazi Party Rally Grounds, and other Nazi sights...I was really intrigued to see this film. It is really all about the dialog, as most of the film is of interrogations between her and Gestapo investigators. One of the most eye opening scenes is when they are in their (show) trial. The room was filled with Nazi party members. The judge, a man dressed in a bright red robe sitting in front of a huge Nazi Swastika, yelled and berated her...of course not letting her defend herself. Her "lawyer" had nothing to say either. Their parents, not even allowed in. This scene (as well as a similar scene in the move "Valkyrie") really makes one appreciate our fair court system and general freedoms in America. Watch an episode of Judge Judy and compare it to how these judges were...
Update on me...
Well, I am coming up on my 4th year in the Marine Corps. Time really flies. My rough timeline of Marine Corps service is as follows
July 2007-Officer Candidate School and Commissioning
July 2007-Assistant Officer Recruiter, Orlando
October 2007- The Basic School, Quantico, Va
June 2008- On-the-job training at 2d Assault Amphibian Bn, Camp Lejeune, NC
- Mojave Viper, 29 Palms, CA
October 2008- Assault Amphibian Officer's Course (MOS School) Camp Pendleton, CA
January 2009- Platoon Commander, Bravo Company, 2d Asslt Amph Bn, Camp Lejeune, NC
-Multiple training/ship exercises
-Mojave Viper, 29 Palms, CA
-Joint Fires Observer Course, Norfolk, VA
-Operation Enduring Freedom-Afghanistan Nov 2009-May 2010
June 2010- Company Executive Officer, Headquarters and Service Co, 2d Asslt Amph Bn
August 2010- Platoon Commander, Delta Company, 2d Assault Amphibian Bn
-Attached to Battalion Landing Team 2/2 part of 22d Marine Expeditionary Unit
-Training in Fort Picket and Camp Lejeune
So... basically I am working up to be a part of the 22d Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU). MEUs are the smallest Marine Air-Ground Task Force. It is built around an infantry battalion (900 or so Marines). There are organic air assets, tanks, AAVs, engineers, logistics, recon, artillery, and other support elements not normally part of an infantry unit. Once deployed, the MEU usually floats around on ships, awaiting
I am awaiting promotion to Captain and Career Designation. Promotion is about a given (98% selection or so). However, Career Designation is not (60-65%). When Lieutenants are commissioned, they are essentially put on "probation" for 4 years. They cannot continue in the active service past 4 years unless they are Career Designated (used to be called augmented). In fact until a few years ago, all officers were commissioned as USMCR (reserve that is) and put on active service for 4 years, automatically going back to the reserves for most officers. It would be un-realistic to keep all officers in the active service, just because we don't need that many. Before the Long War, it was very very competitive. Around a 15-25% selection. It was almost expected that you got out after 4 years. However, the war (and subsequent growth of the Marine Corps) has kept the selection at around 95%. Now with the war coming to an end (or is it?) selection is slowly decreasing. My board (meeting this month) is the lowest it has been for a while. If I don't get selected, I have to get out or go to the reserves. If I am, I can stay in indefinitely (or until they stop promoting me or retirement). It is in God's hands, I will rejoice either way. I would love to stay in, however there are plenty of other things I see myself doing. I would love to stay connected to the Corps thro
Should I stay in, for at least a few more years, I will move to a new duty station upon return from deployment (Jan/Feb 2012). I am trying to go to Virginia (DC or Quantico)...or if I can...Europe (part of Embassy Security Guard Program).
Training with the MEU has kept me very busy. I spend every few weeks in the field. The entire month of December was spent in the freezing cold of Fort Pickett, Virginia. I just got out of two weeks of raid training here at Lejeune. Looking forward to another trip to Pickett, and about 6 weeks (2 week periods) on ship...and then deployment in the summer. This training is the best in the Corps, much more training than units designated to go to Afghanistan are getting. I cannot wait to get on ship on deployment to get a break, haha.
Then and Now #1
The Assault Amphibian

What is an Assault Amphibian? Well, in the Marine Corps...we

Our current vehicle, the AAVP7A1 (also a communication and recovery variant) is almost 40 years old. In fact, I have had tractors with hulls stamped from the 1970s. It was known as the LVTP7 until the 90s. It has undergone some upgrades ("new" turret, comm systems, suspension) over the years. It has served in combat multiple times. Most recently, the AAV lifted a majority of the Marine Corps forces into Iraq in 2003. They were removed from Iraq in 2008 and replaced with MRAPs.
So, at Lejeune we train in AAVs...but in Afghanistan we fight in MRAPs or on foot. My platoon had about 2 months last year to turn in our AAVs and train for MRAPs before we went into Afghanistan. When we returned, we had to get back into AAVs.
The AAV was supposed to be replaced with the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV). If you have been watching the news recently, you probably heard that this project was canceled after 20 years or so. It was over bu get, way over due, and had many problems. Billions down the drain. I have seen this vehicle, it is pretty cool. But it totally relies on computers, which I don't like. It can go 30knots in the water, while ours go only 6 knots or so. It also has a stabilized weapons system, which ours does not. Now that the program is canceled, we hopefully we get some much needed upgrades on these 40 year old vehicles.
We Assault Amphibians are the keepers of waterborne ship-to-shore movement in the military. The Long War has kept Marines off ships for almost 10 years, with the exception of some of the expeditionary units which still deploy. It has even kept many of us off as well. However, across the Corps, we are the ones that have the most ship experience, knowledge of water operations, and actually practice amphibious assaults on a regular basis. So, this community is a key part in getting back to the "amphibious roots" of the Corps, which the Commandant is pushing very hard. We are the only vehicles capable of this in the entire US Military.
Behind the Name
So, there you have it.